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By Novus Fumus, 23 march 2023

How to Prepare for Your First Magic Truffle Trip: A Beginner's Guide

If you're considering trying magic truffles, the idea of using psychedelic substances can be overwhelming. But with proper preparation and taking the right steps, your first trip can be a great and enlightening experience. In this guide, we'll discuss how to best prepare for your first magic truffle trip and what to expect on the day.

Step 1: Do Your Research

Before trying magic truffles, it's important to educate yourself on what to expect. Read about the effects, side effects, and risks of magic truffles, and check out some firsthand accounts from others who have tried them. This will help you prepare for what might happen during your trip and make you feel more at ease.

Step 2: Choose the Right Truffles and Dosage

There are different types of magic truffles available, each with their own strength and effects. Choose truffles suitable for beginners, such as Mexicana or Atlantis. Start with a low dose of 5-7.5 grams and slowly build it up as you become more comfortable.

Step 3: Create a Safe and Comfortable Environment

It's important to create a safe and familiar environment for your trip. This can be your own home or a quiet spot in nature. Make sure you feel comfortable and have space to move and relax.

Step 4: Take the Truffles

You can take truffles in different ways, such as eating them directly, making tea, or putting them in capsules. The effects may take up to an hour to start, so be patient and avoid taking more too quickly.

Step 5: Experience the Trip

The effects of magic truffles can vary from person to person. You may experience visual and auditory hallucinations, and your thoughts and emotions may be altered. Let the trip come over you and try not to control it too much. If you don't feel good, remind yourself that the trip is temporary and will pass.

Step 6: Consider the After-Effects

After the trip, you may experience after-effects for several hours to a day. Don't plan any important appointments and take time to rest and reflect on your experience. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy food to help your body recover.


Trying magic truffles can be an unforgettable and enlightening experience, but it's important to be well prepared and act responsibly. By educating yourself on the effects and risks of magic truffles, choosing the right truffles and dosage, creating a safe and comfortable environment, and knowing what to expect during your trip, you can give yourself the best chance of a positive experience.

It's also important to remember that magic truffles may not be suitable for everyone. If you have a history of mental illness such as anxiety disorders or schizophrenia, or if you're currently taking medication, it's advisable to speak with a doctor before trying magic truffles.

By following these tips and acting responsibly, your first trip on magic truffles can be a great and enlightening experience that you will remember forever.

Example of How to Plan Your Day for Your First Magic Truffle Trip

10:00 - Breakfast and Preparation
Start your day with a healthy breakfast and make sure you have all the necessary preparations for your trip. Ensure you have truffles, water, snacks, and any other necessary supplies on hand.

11:00 - Take the Truffles
Take your chosen dose of magic truffles. You can take them in different ways, such as eating them directly, making tea, or putting them in capsules. The effects may take up to an hour to start, so be patient and avoid taking more too quickly.

12:00 - Beginning of the Trip
You can now start experiencing the effects of the truffles. Let the trip come over you and try not to control it too much. Find a comfortable spot and relax.

13:00 - Exploring the Environment
If you feel comfortable, you can start exploring your surroundings. This can be taking a walk in nature or viewing art. However, always prioritize your safety and don't stray too far from your safe space.

14:00 - Reflection
Take the time to reflect on your experience. Write down your thoughts and emotions, draw, or meditate. This can help you process the experience and give it more meaning.

15:00 - Rest and Relaxation
You may experience after-effects for several hours to a day after the trip. Don't plan any important appointments and take the time to rest and relax. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy food to help your body recover.

16:00 - Conclusion
Once you've processed the experience and feel normal again, you can conclude your day. Thank your guide for their help and don't forget to leave the space clean.

By planning your day this way, you can give yourself the best chance of a positive experience with magic truffles. However, remember that each trip is different, and it's important to give yourself space to experience it as it comes. Also, always make sure to act responsibly and with caution when using magic truffles.

If you're looking to try magic truffles, remember to do your research, choose the right truffles and dosage, create a safe and comfortable environment, and know what to expect during your trip. With these tips, you can have an unforgettable and enlightening experience that you will cherish for a lifetime.